5 Healthy Snacks for Road Trips

Beef jerky:

Protein is the most hunger-satisfying nutrient.  Jerky offerings come loaded with preservatives and sodium, natural-food stores or organic groceries tend to stock healthier options with fewer ingredients. It won’t boost our blood’s levels of insulin.

Carrot sticks or grapes:

 Both carrot and grapes allow you to fill your mouth mile after mile without guilt.  The crunch of biting and chewing the carrot sticks will probably help keep you awake and alert.  Ypo can also fill small containers with hummus or peanut butter for a tasty and nutritious veggie dipper.


Dried Fruit:

Dried fruits , like low-sugar dried cranberries, raisins, dates, and figs – satisfy a craving for something sweet, and they don’t require refrigeration.  ½ cup serving of dried fruit is one fruit serving.


Peanut butter sandwich:

Peanut butter is a healthy source of protein and fat and both this  keep you feeling full. You can also use whole wheat bread to get all the benefits of complex carbohydrates.


Boiled eggs and whole-wheat crackers:

 These are very easy to carry. Boiled eggs contains large amount of proteins. Combine them with the complex carbs and nutrients found in the whole-wheat crackers, now you can feel full .

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