October Seasonal Fruits & Vegetables in India


What we eat determines our health. A deliberate attempt to choose the right food can work wonders on your body. Eating what’s in season is an effective measure to beat illness.

If we observe it’s visible that nature plans for perfection. Once we’re willing to follow its cycle and eat seasonal foods, it’s easy to remain healthy. Researches reveal that natural foods are nutritionally richest when they are picked in season.

Here’re some seasonal fruits & vegetables and their health benefits:


Brinjals are too good for your heart. Being the rich source of fiber, potassium, vitamin B-6 and phytonutrients like flavonoids, this vegetable helps to ward off heart disease. Rich in antioxidants, Brinjals can keep your arteries healthy and reduce the risk of heart attack.



Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, biotin, molybdenum and vitamin K. They are also an excellent source of copper, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin B6, folate, niacin, vitamin E and phosphorus. They are good for your health and beauty.

spring_onionsSpring onions

Being an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, Spring onions helps in curing the various ailments. Include this to your diet to reduce the harmful impacts of various diseases. They can lower the blood sugar level.


Cabbage is packed with several vital nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C and vitamin B6. It also contains manganese, dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin B1, folate and copper in good quantity. Adding cabbage to your diet decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality. It enhances the complexion, overall energy level, and helps in weight loss.

You may also have plenty of bananas and potatoes, as they are common throughout the year.

Add these fruits and vegetables to the top of your grocery list.  Stay healthy throughout the season.


  1. Edmundo October 17, 2016

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