Skin Care Tips for this Monsoon

Skin care in monsoon

The immunity power of the body become low during the monsoon season,The season tends to infect the basic necessities for a person to live.There is some tips for skin care in the monsoon.

1.Oily Skin

Easy tips to keep oily skin in good condition,Wash your face at least 3 times a day by using hot water they help for removing oil on the skin & use natural scrubs.Try to use home made pack instead of chemical ones.

2.Dry Skin

Drink as much water is the best way for  avoiding the dryness.water consumption hydrate your body & remove unwanted toxins.Use moisturizers daily they give soft skin and moist look. Totally  from the use of alcohol based lotion & try to use rose water and glycerin mixture lotion.

3.Combination Skin

The combination of Oily & dry skin should need extra care.Drink loads of water & use anti-bacterial face wash for wash your face.Use soft towel for clean face.Use moisturize daily & Whole body must be kept clean.Facials & Bleaching should be avoided during rains.


Simple skin care tips

Coconut oil for lips:Monsoon affect the lips totally,It become dry. Apply coconut oil before sleeping, It must be care your lips naturally.

Almond & Honey:The combination of almond and honey it better treatment for dry skin.Both honey and almond mix properly ,Then apply on your face.The mixture help to avoid the dead cell in your face.

Oatmeal Scrub:The oat meal scrub for oily skin,wash your face by using this help for removing oil from your face without any chemical reaction.

Regular Exercise:It will help to keep the body healthy and fit.

Body must be kept warm:Different virus attack on the body when it is cool &  Vegetable soups will help to keep the body warm.

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